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Anna University B.Tech Polymer Science And Rubber Technology Question Paper


FIFTH SEMESTER Polymer Technology


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Answer all the Questions
Part A (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. Differentiate brittle and ductile nature of polymers.
2. Name some reinforcing filter. How orientations affect strength of products?
3. Define creep and stress relaxation.
4. Rate of Loading influences the strength of polymeric materials. Explain with suitable example.
5. How polarity for polymer affects the electrical properties?
6. List out the optical applications of plastics.
7. Distinguish moulded gears from machined gears with respect to product performance.
8. Define – Tribology.
9. List out the applications of static seals and dynamic seals.
10. How resonance affects the performance of the flexible coupling.

Part B (16 x 5 = 80 marks)
(Question No.11 is Compulsory)

11.i) Compare the molecular and structural features of PE, PVC, PS, and PMMA & PA for property variation. (10)

ii) Explain structural design of beams. (6) 

12.a)i) Explain dynamic load response of polymeric materials and effect of cyclic loading.(8)

ii) Discuss performance of polymers in service and environmental exposure. (8)
12.b)i) Explain the processing limitations on product design with examples. (8)

ii) Explain – Design for stiffness (8)

13.a)i) Explain the various steps to be followed while designing a plastic product. (10)

ii) Discuss the different electrical properties of polymers. (6)
13.b) Design a plastic chair to carry a load of 150 Kg with the following dimensions: the chair has to be used for a least 5 years.

Length 500 mm; Width 300 mm
Representative materials HDPE PP HIPS
Tensile strength (MPa) 50 60 23
Tensile Modulus (MPa) 1800 2000 1655
Apparent Modulus after 280 340 150
10000 hrs (at given) stress level (MPa) (8) (10) (12)

Max allowable deformation at break 20% (16)

14.a)i) Enumerate the gear nomenclature with neat sketch. (6)

ii) Explain the design of a gear for strength & durability by calculating the bending stress. (10)
14.b)i) Explain the design procedure for a PVC pipe with examples (12)

ii) A 50ft pipe is installed at an ambient temperature of 95°F. Water temperature is 50°F. State whether the pipe will expand or contract. Also find the change in length. Take = 0.00036 in / ft / °F. 

15.a)i) Explain the method to design an O-ring gland and select the appropriate seal. (8)

ii) Explain the design considerations for elastomeric ring seals. (8)
15.b)i) Explain the visco-elastic dampers with suitable examples (8)

ii) Explain the different types of flexible coupling (8)

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