IBPS Specialist Officer Reasoning Solved Question Paper

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IBPS CWE Specialist Officer Exam Syllabus , Guide And Exam Details

1. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group.Which one does not belong to the group ?

(1) 12
(2) 21
(3) 51
(4) 72
(5) 28

2. If A is substituted bv 2, B by 3,C by 4, D by 2, E by 3. F by 4 and so on, then what will be total of the numerical values of the letters of the word LINE ?

(1) 13
(2) 12
(3) 16
(4) 15
(5) None of these

3. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following series ?
   KN    NL   QJ    TH    ?

(1) WF   
(2) WE
(3) XF   
(4) XE
(5) None of these

Directions (Qs. 4 to 8) : A, B, C, D, E & F are sitting along the circle facing the centre.

(i) B is an immediate neighbour of D.
(ii) C is an immediate neighbour of A but is not an immediate neighbour of F.
(iii) A is to the immediate left of B.

4. What is the position of E ?

(1) To the immediate left of F
(2) Between A and B
(3) Second to the right of D
(4) To the immediate right of C
(5) None of these

5. Which of the following is correct ?

(1) A is second to the left of E
(2) B is second to the right of C
(3) C is second to the left of F
(4) D is second to the right of E
(5) None of these

6. Which of the following is wrong ?

(1) C is to the immediate right of E
(2) F is to the immediate right of D
(3) D is to the immediate right of B
(4) A is to the immediate left of C
(5) None of these

7. Which pair among the following has its second element sitting to the immediate left of its first element ?

(1) CA
(2) BF
(3) DE
(4) EF
(5) None of these

8. Which pair among the following has only one element sitting between its two elements in the sitting arrangement ?

(1) BE
(2) DE
(3) AB
(4) CD
(5) None of these

Directions (Qs. 9 to 15) : These questions are based on the following six numbers :

283 347 518 829 748 827

9. If the first and the second digits of each number are interchanged, which number will be the second lowest ?

(1) 827
(2) 829
(3) 518
(4) 748
(5) None of these

10. If the second and the third digits of each number are interchanged, which number will be the third highest ?

(1) 347
(2) 518
(3) 829
(4) 827
(5) None of these

11. If the first and the third digits of each number are interchanged, which number will be the third lowest ?

(1) 827
(2) 347
(3) 283
(4) 748
(5) None of these

12. If 1 is added to the second digit of each number and 1 is subtracted from the third digit of each number and then if the first and third digits of each number are interchanged, then which number will be the highest ?

(1) 518
(2) 748
(3) 827
(4) 829
(5) None of these

13. If the first digit of each number replaces the third digit of that number, third digit replaces the second digit and the second digit replaces the first digit, and then the numbers thus formed are arranged in the ascending order, then which number will be the third ?

(1) 518
(2) 827
(3) 829
(4) 347
(5) None of these

14. If the first and the third digits of each number are interchanged and one is added to the second digit of each number then which of the following pairs of numbers will have highest total of their numerical value ?

(1) 283 & 518
(2) 347 & 748
(3) 283 & 827
(4) 518 & 829
(5) 347 & 827

15. If 283 is written as 328, 347 as 734 and so on, then which of the following two numbers will have least difference between them ?

(1) 347 & 518
(2) 283 & 748
(3) 827 & 347
(4) 518 & 829
(5) 748 & 518

16. In a certain code "GENIOUS" is written as "EGINSOU". How will "GARNISH" be written in that code ?

(5) None of these

17. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word STAMHOPE each of which has as many letters between its two letters in the word as there are between them in the English alphabet ?

(1) Nil   
(2) One
(3) Two   
(4) Three
(5) More than three

18. In the case of how many letters of the word RAIMENT, will their order in the word and that when the letters are arranged in the alphabetical order,remain the same ?

(1) Nil
(2) Three
(3) One
(4) Two
(5) None of these

19. In a certain code INKER is written as KRLCP and GLIDE is written as INJBC. How will JINKS be written in that code ?

(5) None of these

20. If A is denoted by 4, L by 7, J by 2, R by 8, E by 1 and I by 3, then what will be the numeric form of the word JAILER when written in the reverse order ?

(1) 813742
(2) 243718
(3) 871342
(4) 817324
(5) None of these

Directions (Qs. 21 to 27) : These questions are based on the following arrangement of symbols, letters and numbers:
£ L 2 = ? P C 7 $ E H @ r 8 K & M 5 T V 3 ?

21. How many such symbols are there in the arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a letter ?

(1) Four&
(2) Two
(3) One
(4) Three
(5) None of these

22. How many such numbers are there in the arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a letter ?

(1) Three
(2) One
(3) Nil
(4) Two
(5) None of these

23. How many such letters are there in the arrangement each of which is either immediately preceded or immediately followed by a number but not both ?

(1) Six
(2) Seven
(3) Four
(4) Three
(5) None of these

24. If all the symbols are deleted from the arrangement, which element will be the fifth to the right of the 12th element from the right end ?

(1) K
(2) H
(3) 8
(4) M
(5) None of these

25. If all the numbers are deleted from the arrangement which element will be the 7th to the left of the 14th element from the left end ?

(1) %
(2) H
(3) @
(4) C
(5) None of these

26. '2 = P' is related to 7 % H' in the arrangement in the same way as '_________' is related to 'M 5 V.

(1) -S-8
(2) +@K
(3) @-K
(4) @+8
(5) None of these

27. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their elements' positions in the arrangement and hence
form a group. Which one does not belong to the group ?
(1) 2L?     
(2) -@K    
(3) M&T
(4) @E+   
(5) VT*

Directions (Qs. 28 to 32) : Each of these questions consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give answer—

(1) if the data in Statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
(2) if" the data in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
(3) if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
(4) if the data in both the Statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
(5) if the data in both the Statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
Caution : Do not mark your answer unless you consider both the statements carefully.

28. What does 'Ni' mean in the code language ?

I.  'Ni La Pe Sa' means 'Many Bananas And Apples' and 'Vi Pi Ni Se' means 'Apples Are Sweet Fruits' in that code language.

II. 'Pe Ba Lo Ni' means 'Costly Apples And Mangoes' and 'Ba Pe Lo Se Vi' means 'Mangoes And Pomegranates Are Cosdy' in that code language.

29. Who among A, B, C, D & E is the tallest ?

I. C is the 2nd tallest but not shorter than A.
II. D is not as tall as C but is taller than B.

30. What is Neha's rank in the class of 40 ?

I. Neha is 4 ranks ahead of Sudha who is 10 ranks below Neeta. Neeta's rank in the class is '18'.
II. 10% boys in the class are ahead of Nayana who is 4 ranks below Neha in the class.

31. How is Rohan related to Kamal ?

I.  Rohit, Rohan's father and Kailash, Kamal's uncle are cousins.
II. Rohan's brother's wife is Kamal's aunt.

32. Who among P, Q, R, S & T is the oldest ?

I. S, though older than P & Q, is not the oldest.
II. R who is older than Q & R, is not as old as S, the 2nd oldest among them.

33. If THE' is written as 'SFB' and TMOT' is written as 'MMQ', then how will TOUR' be written ?

(1) ZQXV   
(2) XNQO
(3) XNQN   
(4) XMRN
(5) None of these

34. If in a certain, code 'you are advised to report early morning' is written as 'to are early report advised morning you', how will 'bring this when you come for exam' be written in that code ?

(1) you this for come bring exam when
(2) you when for come this exam bring
(3) you this for come when exam bring
(4) come this for you when exam bring
(5) None of these


(i)   P is the brother of Q.
(ii)  R is the sister of S.
(iii) Q is the father of R
(iv)  T is the mother of S.

How is P related to S ?

(1) Paternal Uncle
(2) Cousin
(3) Nephew
(4) Cannot be decided
(5) None of these


(i)   N is to the West of M.
(ii)  P is to the East of N.
(iii) R is to the North of P.

What is R's position with respect to M ?

(1)    To the North-West
(2)    To the North-East
(3)    To the North
(4)    Cannot be decided
(5)    None of these

37. If 'DARE' is written as '@*=©' and 'OPEN' as '£$©&', then how will 'NEAR' be written ?

(1) ?=&©   
(2) &©@*
(3) &©?=   
(4) &©=@
(5) None of these

38. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the positions of their elements in the English alphabet and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group ?

(1) GC   
(2) PL
(3) NJ   
(4) YU
(5) SN

39. 'LIVER' is related to 'VIRLE' in a certain way. Which of the following pairs has the same relationship ?

(5) None of these

40. In the case of how many digits in the number 7296184, their positions in the number and the positions when the digits of the number are arranged in the ascending order are identical ?

(1) Four    
(2) Two       
(3) One
(4) Nil      
(5) None of these


3. (1)
4. (3)
7. (4)
8. (2)
11. (2)
12. (4)
15. (5)
16. (1)
19. (3)
20. (5)
23. (1)
24. (3)
27. (4)
28. (3)
31. (4)
32. (2)
35. (1)
36. (4)
39. (2)
40. (5)

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