Bangalore University M.Com. Degree Examination First Semester, February/March 2011 (2007-08 Scheme)(NS) COMMERCE
Paper - 1.5: Information System and Computers
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
1. Answer any ten of the following in about 3-4 lines each. Each question carries
2 marks. (2X10=20)
a) Define Information systems.
b) What is DSS?
c) Define compiler.
d) What is TCP/IP?
e) What is VAN?
f) Define browser.
g) What is a Firewall?
h) What is a broadband?
i) What is data flow diagrams?
j) What is HTTP?
k) What is SQL?
l) Define database.
Answer any three of the following in about a page each. Each sub question carries
5 marks. (3X5=15)
2. What strategic role can information play in business firms?
3. What trends are occurring in the development and use of major types of computer systems?
4. What are the problems of file processing?
5. Discuss any two telecommunications networks.
6. Explain the steps to create a successful B2C e-commerce business venture.
Answer any three of the following. Answer to theory question should not exceed three pages each. (3X15=45)
7. How can information technology support a company's business processes and decision making, and give it a competitive advantage? Give examples to illustrate your answer.
8. Explain various components of HR information system.
9. Discuss the five fundamental data base structures.
10. Explain the essential e-commerce processes required for the successful operation and management of e-commerce activities.
11. Following data is available on pricing of technical and nontechnical training courses for students in an institute and list of course offered. On technical and non-technical courses the profilt margins are 10% and 8% respectively.
Pricing table : 1
Technical Price per day (Rs.) Capacity
yes 2680 15
no 2144 30
You are required to add one field profit, for each course.
Further you are required to compute :
i. Lists each course name and its cost per day of training
ii. Prepare a query that tests the cost per student for each class. Assume maximum capacity and that you will schedule two half day classes on the same day to take advantage of per day pricing schedule.
Course table:2
Course Id Course name Duration(in days) Technical
1 ASP Programming 5 Yes
2 XML Programming 5 Yes
3 PHP Programming 4 Yes
4 MS-WORD Advanced 0.5 No
5 MS-Excel Advanced 0.5 No
Write appropriate commands in a DBMS software of your choice.
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